
YaDisk - это библиотека-клиент REST API Яндекс.Диска.


yadisk поддерживает несколько HTTP библиотек и реализует одновременно как синхронный, так и асинхронный API.

На данный момент поддерживаются следующие HTTP библиотеки:

  • requests (используется по умолчанию для синхронного API)

  • httpx (синхронный и асинхронный API, используется по умолчанию для асинхронного API)

  • aiohttp (асинхронный API)

  • pycurl (синхронный API)

Для синхронного API (устанавливает requests):

pip install yadisk[sync_defaults]

Для асинхронного API (устанавливает httpx и aiofiles):

pip install yadisk[async_defaults]

Вы можете также вручную установить нужные библиотеки:

# For use with pycurl
pip install yadisk pycurl

# For use with aiohttp, will also install aiofiles
pip install yadisk[async_files] aiohttp


Синхронный API

import yadisk

client = yadisk.Client(token="<token>")
# or
# client = yadisk.Client("<application-id>", "<application-secret>", "<token>")

# You can either use the with statement or manually call client.close() later
with client:
    # Check if the token is valid

    # Get disk information

    # Print files and directories at "/some/path"

    # Upload "file_to_upload.txt" to "/destination.txt"
    client.upload("file_to_upload.txt", "/destination.txt")

    # Same thing
    with open("file_to_upload.txt", "rb") as f:
        client.upload(f, "/destination.txt")

    # Download "/some-file-to-download.txt" to "downloaded.txt"
    client.download("/some-file-to-download.txt", "downloaded.txt")

    # Permanently remove "/file-to-remove"
    client.remove("/file-to-remove", permanently=True)

    # Create a new directory at "/test-dir"

Получение токена через код подтверждения

import sys
import yadisk

def main():
    with yadisk.Client("application-id>", "<application-secret>") as client:
        url = client.get_code_url()

        print(f"Go to the following url: {url}")
        code = input("Enter the confirmation code: ")

            response = client.get_token(code)
        except yadisk.exceptions.BadRequestError:
            print("Bad code")

        client.token = response.access_token

        if client.check_token():
            print("Sucessfully received token!")
            print("Something went wrong. Not sure how though...")


Рекурсивная загрузка файлов

import posixpath
import os
import yadisk

def recursive_upload(client: yadisk.Client, from_dir: str, to_dir: str):
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(from_dir):
        p = root.split(from_dir)[1].strip(os.path.sep)
        dir_path = posixpath.join(to_dir, p)

        except yadisk.exceptions.PathExistsError:

        for file in files:
            file_path = posixpath.join(dir_path, file)
            p_sys = p.replace("/", os.path.sep)
            in_path = os.path.join(from_dir, p_sys, file)

                y.upload(in_path, file_path)
            except yadisk.exceptions.PathExistsError:

client = yadisk.Client(token="<application-token>")
to_dir = "/test"
from_dir = "/home/ubuntu"
recursive_upload(client, from_dir, to_dir)

Задание пользовательских свойств файлов

import yadisk

def main():
    with yadisk.Client(token="<application-token>") as client:
        path = input("Enter a path to patch: ")
        properties = {"speed_of_light":       299792458,
                      "speed_of_light_units": "meters per second",
                      "message_for_owner":    "MWAHAHA! Your file has been patched by an evil script!"}

        meta = client.patch(path, properties)
        print("\nNew properties: ")

        for k, v in meta.custom_properties.items():
            print(f"{k}: {repr(v)}")

        answer = input("\nWant to get rid of them? (y/[n]) ")

        if answer.lower() in ("y", "yes"):
            properties = {k: None for k in properties}
            client.patch(path, properties)
            print("Everything's back as usual")


Очищение корзины

import sys
import time
import yadisk

def main():
    answer = input("Are you sure about this? (y/[n]) ")
    if answer.lower() not in ("y", "yes"):
        print("Not going to do anything")

    with yadisk.Client(token="<application-token>") as client:
        print("Emptying the trash bin...")
        operation = client.remove_trash("/")
        print("It might take a while...")

        if operation is None:
            print("Nevermind. The deed is done.")

        while True:
            status = client.get_operation_status(operation.href)

            if status == "in-progress":
                print("Still waiting...")
            elif status == "success":
                print(f"Got some weird status: {repr(status)}")
                print("That's not normal")


Выбор HTTP библиотеки

import yadisk

# Will use httpx for making requests
with yadisk.Client(token="<token>", session="httpx") as client:

Асинхронный API

import yadisk
import aiofiles

client = yadisk.AsyncClient(token="<token>")
# or
# client = yadisk.AsyncClient("<application-id>", "<application-secret>", "<token>")

# You can either use the with statement or manually call client.close() later
async with client:
    # Check if the token is valid
    print(await client.check_token())

    # Get disk information
    print(await client.get_disk_info())

    # Print files and directories at "/some/path"
    print([i async for i in await client.listdir("/some/path")])

    # Upload "file_to_upload.txt" to "/destination.txt"
    await client.upload("file_to_upload.txt", "/destination.txt")

    # Same thing
    async with aiofiles.open("file_to_upload.txt", "rb") as f:
        await client.upload(f, "/destination.txt")

    # Same thing but with regular files
    with open("file_to_upload.txt", "rb") as f:
        await client.upload(f, "/destination.txt")

    # Download "/some-file-to-download.txt" to "downloaded.txt"
    await client.download("/some-file-to-download.txt", "downloaded.txt")

    # Same thing
    async with aiofiles.open("downloaded.txt", "wb") as f:
        await client.download("/some-file-to-download.txt", f)

    # Permanently remove "/file-to-remove"
    await client.remove("/file-to-remove", permanently=True)

    # Create a new directory at "/test-dir"
    print(await client.mkdir("/test-dir"))

Получение токена через код подтверждения

import asyncio
import sys
import yadisk

async def main():
    async with yadisk.AsyncClient("application-id>", "<application-secret>") as client:
        url = client.get_code_url()

        print(f"Go to the following url: {url}")
        code = input("Enter the confirmation code: ")

            response = await client.get_token(code)
        except yadisk.exceptions.BadRequestError:
            print("Bad code")

        client.token = response.access_token

        if await client.check_token():
            print("Sucessfully received token!")
            print("Something went wrong. Not sure how though...")


Рекурсивная загрузка файлов

import asyncio
import posixpath
import os
import yadisk

async def recursive_upload(from_dir: str, to_dir: str, n_parallel_requests: int = 5):
    async with yadisk.AsyncClient(token="<application-token>") as client:
        async def upload_files(queue):
            while queue:
                in_path, out_path = queue.pop(0)

                print(f"Uploading {in_path} -> {out_path}")

                    await client.upload(in_path, out_path)
                except yadisk.exceptions.PathExistsError:
                    print(f"{out_path} already exists")

        async def create_dirs(queue):
            while queue:
                path = queue.pop(0)

                print(f"Creating directory {path}")

                    await client.mkdir(path)
                except yadisk.exceptions.PathExistsError:
                    print(f"{path} already exists")

        mkdir_queue = []
        upload_queue = []

        print(f"Creating directory {to_dir}")

            await client.mkdir(to_dir)
        except yadisk.exceptions.PathExistsError:
            print(f"{to_dir} already exists")

        for root, dirs, files in os.walk(from_dir):
            rel_dir_path = root.split(from_dir)[1].strip(os.path.sep)
            rel_dir_path = rel_dir_path.replace(os.path.sep, "/")
            dir_path = posixpath.join(to_dir, rel_dir_path)

            for dirname in dirs:
                mkdir_queue.append(posixpath.join(dir_path, dirname))

            for filename in files:
                out_path = posixpath.join(dir_path, filename)
                rel_dir_path_sys = rel_dir_path.replace("/", os.path.sep)
                in_path = os.path.join(from_dir, rel_dir_path_sys, filename)

                upload_queue.append((in_path, out_path))

            tasks = [upload_files(upload_queue) for i in range(n_parallel_requests)]
            tasks.extend(create_dirs(mkdir_queue) for i in range(n_parallel_requests))

            await asyncio.gather(*tasks)

from_dir = input("Directory to upload: ")
to_dir = input("Destination directory: ")

asyncio.run(recursive_upload(from_dir, to_dir, 5))

Задание пользовательских свойств файлов

import asyncio
import yadisk

async def main():
    async with yadisk.AsyncClient(token="<application-token>") as client:
        path = input("Enter a path to patch: ")
        properties = {"speed_of_light":       299792458,
                      "speed_of_light_units": "meters per second",
                      "message_for_owner":    "MWAHAHA! Your file has been patched by an evil script!"}

        meta = await client.patch(path, properties)
        print("\nNew properties: ")

        for k, v in meta.custom_properties.items():
            print(f"{k}: {repr(v)}")

        answer = input("\nWant to get rid of them? (y/[n]) ")

        if answer.lower() in ("y", "yes"):
            properties = {k: None for k in properties}
            await client.patch(path, properties)
            print("Everything's back as usual")


Очищение корзины

import asyncio
import sys
import yadisk

async def main():
    answer = input("Are you sure about this? (y/[n]) ")

    if answer not in ("y", "yes"):
        print("Not going to do anything")

    async with yadisk.AsyncClient(token="<application-token>") as client:
        print("Emptying the trash bin...")
        operation = await client.remove_trash("/")

        print("It might take a while...")

        if operation is None:
            print("Nevermind. The deed is done.")

        while True:
            status = await client.get_operation_status(operation.href)

            if status == "in-progress":
                await asyncio.sleep(5)
                print("Still waiting...")
            elif status == "success":
                print(f"Got some weird status: {repr(status)}")
                print("That's not normal")


Выбор HTTP библиотеки

import yadisk

# Will use aiohttp for making requests
async with yadisk.AsyncClient(token="<token>", session="aiohttp") as client:
    print(await client.check_token())